My Music

Soccer Sketch

Soccer Sketch

Soccer Boys Painting

Soccer Boys Painting
based on a family photo- my brother Eric is the blonde kid with the ball...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

life update

Hey whoever is reading this.

Things are going well I suppose, I know it's been ages since I posted anything. I went through and deleted the posts that didn't make much sense- typed in the wee hours of the morning, usually after going out. Eesh. I have settled down considerably, largely from cutting negative influences and people out of my life.

I'm working at FedEx Kinko's now doing signs and graphics, which is alright- I get benefits and occasionally get to do some light design work, and it pays the bills, so I can't really complain.

In my spare time I have my business, Wildfire Media Inc., where I do graphic design, paintings, and illustrations for people in my spare time. I've had some assignments here and there, but I really need to step it up and start promoting so I can get more.

Anywho, boring post I know, but on the offchance that somebody actually reads this blog, I wanted to give a little update.

More artwork coming soon, contact me if you need anything done.

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